1. The name of the party shall be the South Carolina Workers Party. Hereafter referred to in these bylaws as the “SC Workers Party” or “The State Party”.

ARTICLE II. Membership & Dues.

  1. Individual membership shall be open to South Carolinians over the age of 18 who are registered voters and  agree to abide by this constitution of the SC Workers Party.
    1. Individual membership dues may be paid on a sliding-scale basis, depending on the income of the individual. Or waived entirely at the discretion of the State Committee.

ARTICLE III. State Committee.

  1. Purpose.
    1. The State Committee shall be the governing body of the SC Workers Party between Conventions. It shall have full authority to issue policy statements in the name of the SC Workers Party, consonant with the decisions of the Conventions of the SC Workers Party, to initiate policy statements consonant with the principles of the SC Workers Party in matters not yet considered by the Convention, and to establish standing and ad hoc committees of the SC Workers Party.
  2. Membership.
    1. The membership of the State Committee shall reflect the diversity of our respective membership, and shall be consistent with the principles set forth in the preamble.
    2. The State Committee shall consist of one (1) member of each organized county elected by the county conventions, the state Co-Chairs, the state Vice Chair, two (2) Secretaries, and one (1) Treasurer.
    3. The State Committee may create new positions as the need arises.
    4. State Committee members must reside, and be registered to vote within the State of South Carolina.
  3. Meetings.
    1. The State Committee shall meet no less than four (4) times a year.
    2. A meeting of the State Committee may be called by both Co-Chairs, or a majority of State Committee members.
    3. Two (2) weeks notice of a State Committee meeting shall be given to all Members of the State Committee by physical or approved electronic means.
  4. Agenda.
    1. The initial Agenda of a State Committee meeting may be set by the Co-Chairs of the SC Workers Party.
    2. The Agenda of a State Committee meeting shall be open to all members of the State Committee from the time notice of an upcoming meeting is sent. 
  5. Quorum.
    1. A quorum of members of the State Committee shall be required to conduct business at any meeting of the SC Workers Party State Committee.
    2. At all meetings of the State Committee, no less than three (3) or one third of its members (whichever is greater) shall constitute a quorum.
  6. Voting.
    1. Each member of the State Committee shall be entitled to one (1) vote.
    2. The State Co-Chairs may only vote in the case of a tie and must vote in unison.

ARTICLE IV. Advisory Council.

  1. Organizational membership shall be open to; Unions; Locals; central labor bodies; political organizations; and any other organization deemed worker-supportive by the State Committee of the SC Workers Party. Such unions and organizations shall, by an official act, accept and abide by the Constitution and principles of the SC Workers Party. The definition of a union shall include any group that carries on collective bargaining, workplace representational activity or concerted activity. Organizations accepted to be members of the SC Workers Party shall constitute the Advisory Council. 
  2. The Advisory Council shall offer advice and guidance to the state committee on matters of party business.
    1. Organizational membership dues shall be a yearly flat rate determined by the State Committee.
  3. The advisory council shall meet with the state committee no less than four (4) times a year.

ARTICLE V. County Councils.

The State Party shall consist of all present County Councils within the State of South Carolina as well as all present Indigenous Councils representing their tribes, both hereafter referred to as simply County Councils.

  1. Purpose.
    1. County Councils exist to orchestrate the day-to-day operations of the SC Workers Party at the County level.
  2. Formation.
    1. One representative from each local within a county shall constitute the county council.
    2. County Councils that fail to organize by the state convention may do so at the state convention..
  3. Officers.
    1. Each County Council shall elect Officers from it’s ranks one (1) member to serve in each of the following capacities:
      1. Chair
      2. Vice Chair
      3. Secretary.
      4. Treasurer.
      5. State committee-person
    2. Additional officers’ positions may be created as the need arises.
    3. All officers except delegates shall be reported to the clerk of court of the county and to the Secretary of State prior to the state convention
  4. Meetings.
    1. Each county council shall hold its convention at a publicly announced place and time prior to March 31 in each general election year and at least two weeks prior to the state convention. The County Council shall meet no less than four (4) times a year..
    2. Special conventions may be called by the county Chair or by a majority of locals within the county.

ARTICLE VI. Party locals

  1. Purpose.
    1. Locals exist to orchestrate the day to day operations of the SC Workers Party at the City/Town level.
  2. Formation.
    1. Five (5) or more members within a City/Town may form a Local of the SC Workers Party upon declaring their adherence to the state party platform, and their readiness to conform to this Constitution.
    2. Locals that fail to organize by the county convention may organize at the county or state convention.
  3. Officers.
    1. Each Local shall elect Officers from it’s ranks one (1) member to serve in each of the following capacities:
      1. President.
      2. Secretary.
      3. Treasurer.
      4. County delegate.
        1. Member elected to serve on the county council, if this position cannot be filled the local president will serve as the county delegate.
    2. Additional officers’ positions may be created as the need arises.
  4. Meetings.
    1. Each Local shall meet at least two (2) weeks prior to its county convention at a publicly announced place and time. Additional meetings may be called by the Local president or a majority of Local members.

Article VII. Members of At Large.

  1. A qualified applicant residing outside of the jurisdiction of any local may become a members at large by filing with the State Secretary his application for membership, subject to the approval of the State Executive Committee and payment of dues.
  2. Members at large will be automatic delegates to the respective county conventions.

Article VIII. Responsibilities of Party Officer Positions.

  1. State Executive Committee.
    1. Co-Chairs.
      1. Co-Chairs are the highest elected party officers at the state level. Their responsibilities are as follows:
        1. Act as the Chief Executive Officers of the State Party, and be the official public spokesperson(s).
        2. Chair all meetings of the State Committee, or assign someone to do so in their place.
        3. Organize the day-to-day operations of the SC Workers Party at the state level; and coordinate with the respective county chair(s) to help facilitate their day-to-day operations.
    2. Vice Chair.
      1. The Vice Chair shall:
        1. Temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Co-Chair(s), if the Co-Chair(s) are unable to perform them.
    3. Secretaries.
      1. The State Secretaries shall:
        1. Respond to all correspondence to the State Party’s email, and PO Box.
        2. Record, and maintain all meeting minutes of the State Committee.
        3. In tandem with the county Secretaries; maintain an up-to-date membership list of the SC Workers Party.
        4. In coordination with the party Co-Chairs report required information to the State Election Commission and Secretary of State.
        5. Temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Vice Chair, if the Vice Chair is unable to perform them.
    4. Treasurer.
      1. The State Treasurer shall:
        1. Be responsible for managing the funds, and financial records of the State Party.
        2. In tandem with the state Secretary; ensure Individual and Organizational Dues are paid and up-to-date.
        3. Prepare and deliver quarterly financial reports to the State Committee at each meeting, or at the request of any State Committee member.
        4. Temporarily assume the responsibilities of the State Secretary, if the State Secretary is unable to perform them.
        5. Prepare and report all financial statements to the appropriate state agencies.
  2. County Councils.
    1. Chair.
      1. Chairs are the highest elected party Officer(s) at the county level. Their responsibilities are as follows:
        1. Chair all meetings of the County Council
        2. Organize the day-to-day operations of the County Council
    2. Secretary.
      1. The County Secretary shall:
        1. Respond to all correspondence to the County Council’s email
        2. Record, and maintain all meeting minutes of the County Council
        3. Maintain an up to date membership list of the County Council.
        4. Temporarily assume the responsibilities of the Chair, if the Chair is unable to perform them.
    3. Treasurer.
      1. The County Treasurer shall:
        1. Be responsible for managing the funds, and financial records of the County Council.
        2. Ensure County individual and organizational dues are paid and up-to-date.
        3. Prepare and deliver quarterly financial reports to the County Chair at each County Council meeting, or at the request of any County Council member.
        4. Temporarily assume the responsibilities of the County Secretary, if the County Secretary is unable to perform them.

Article IX. Election of Party Officers.

  1. State Committee.
    1. The State Committee Officers shall be elected by majority vote of the general membership of the SC Workers Party at the time of the Convention.
    2. The members of the State Committee must be members in good standing for at least 2 years, except in the counties not organized for that period of time.
    3. State Committee Officers may be recalled by majority vote of the general membership body of the SC Workers Party.
  2. County Council.
    1. The County Council Officers shall be elected by each respective county by majority vote at the time of the County Convention.
    2. County Council Officers may be recalled by majority vote of the general membership body of the respective County.
  3. Terms in Office.
    1. Party Officers shall serve Two (2) year Terms and until their successors are elected.
    2. Party Officers shall be limited to three (3) consecutive Terms.
    3. Party officers shall be elected at conventions held in a non-general election years.

Article X. Conventions.

The State Party Convention shall be the highest decision-making body of the SC Workers Party.

  1. The state convention shall be held prior to May 15 in each general election year at a publicly announced place and time designated by the state committee.
    1. The State Committee shall give at-least a 90-day notice to all Individual and Organizational members of The State Party of the time and location of a convention.
  2. Special Conventions may be called as needed by the State Committee, or by a majority of County Council bodies petitioning the State Committee.
  3. Resolutions, and Amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the State Committee at least 30 days prior to the convention date in order to be considered by the Convention.
    1. Resolutions may be submitted by any Individual  member of The State Party.
    2. The State Committee, with the consent of the Convention, may present emergency Resolutions to the Convention (exempt from the 30-day notice).

Article XI. Nomination of Candidates.

  1. All candidates nominated by the SC Workers Party shall be members in good standing of the party. All candidates shall pledge to, at all times, uphold the platform and policies of the party and to enact and enforce laws that will benefit and protect working class South Carolinians. All candidates shall report to the appropriate party organization both during the campaign and upon assuming office. All candidates must seek the appropriate party organizations approval for their platform when it includes other than what is on our platform to ensure it is consistent with our commitment to the workers of SC. No candidate of the SC Workers Party shall accept corporate money.
  2. Insofar as practicable under the laws and regulations of the state of South Carolina, all nominations for SC Workers Party candidates shall be by convention.
  3. All members seeking the nomination of the SC Workers Party must file the appropriate declarations and pledges in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the state of South Carolina and shall provide a duplicate copy of those filings to the Co-Chairs of the SC Workers Party at the same time that they file with the state.
  4. Candidates for county and local offices in non-general election years may be nominated by the appropriate county council or local subject to the concurrence of the state committee.

Article XII. Representatives in Office.

  1. Elected political and public officials.
    1. Members in political office elected on the ticket of the SC Workers Party shall submit reports of their actions in office to the state committee.
    2. In support of measures proposed by the SC Workers Party, they shall carry out instructions given by the state conventions, state committee, or by a general membership vote of the party.
    3. In all legislative bodies, such as Congress, State legislatures, Board of Supervisors, or Town Councils, SC Workers Party members shall organize into a group separate and apart from all other parties. They shall elect a chairperson and in the support of all measures definitively declared for in the platforms of the party, they shall vote as a unit.
  2. Eligibility for Public Office.
    1. No person shall be eligible as a candidate of the SC Workers Party for any political or public office who is not a member in good standing at the time of their nomination.
  3. Appointment for a Non-Competitive office.
    1. Elected SC Workers Party officials shall submit the names of the proposed or contemplated appointments for heads of departments, members of Mayor’s Cabinets, Commissioners, Deputies and Members of Commissions, or any other appointees to positions of administrative or executive character for the approval of the appropriate party organization. If said party organization shall disapprove of any proposed appointment, it may submit its choice of appointment to the said elected official. In case of further disagreement, the party organization and the elected officials have the right to appeal to the State Committee.
  4. Hiring of Campaign Workers and Vendors
    1. Candidates running on the SC Workers Party ticket shall submit the names of prospective campaign workers and vendors for the approval of the appropriate party organization. If said party organizations shall disapprove of the proposed hire it may submit its choice of appointment to the said candidates. In case of further disagreement, the party organization and the candidates have the right to appeal to the State Committee