South Carolina Workers Party

Columbia, SC – On Sunday March 26th the Labor party met for a convention and voted to separate from the National Labor Party. We have completely separated from the Labor Party and changed our name to the South Carolina Workers Party.

The SCWP is very excited to be alongside the working class of South Carolina to build up support for workers to make a real change in this state where it is needed.

Our entire platform and electoral direction is completely different from the previous one and we can not wait to share details with the people of SC in the coming weeks. Just know that the SCWP is devoted to helping the people of South Carolina in all aspects.

Though our name is the Workers Party it is our sincere belief that everyone is entitled to the title of worker; whether you are a stay at home parent, a student, a prisoner, or a retiree.

Our newly elected officers are as follows: Harold Geddings III and Lee Goff both serve as co-chairs. Jacklyn Sobotowicz is the vice chair. Donna Dewitt and Kiral Mace both serve as co-secretaries. Gary Votour is the treasurer.

We are looking forward to serving the people of South Carolina in the coming years. Please reach out to us at if you would like any additional information.

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